
Please note: as Clarkson University focuses on its industry relevant education, innovation and research, 我们已经与锡耶纳学院合作,在2024年晚些时候提供这些课程. Please visit Siena's website for more information. 

Advance Your Career With a TESOL Graduate Certificate

Learn new tools for teaching multilingual learners, 通过esball国际平台客户端的TESOL高级学习证书,获得所需技能并扩展您的投资组合. If you are an educator with NYS professional certification, 该计划的设计使您在完成后有资格获得ESOL的额外纽约州认证.

Why Earn a Graduate Certificate in TESOL From Clarkson?

With the completely online and asynchronous format, 您可以在美国任何地方享受esball国际平台客户端的教育.S. and in accordance with your schedule. 通过全日制学习,可以在一年内完成证书的学习.

We are considered a Clinically Rich program by New York State. This designation is given, in part, 因为这个项目要求学生完成实地考察或实习. 我们可以与您合作,帮助您在当地地区获得一项任务. 这是一个将你新发现的技能应用到实际课堂环境中的好方法.

我们的教师将教学专业知识和K-12经验相结合. 我们营造一个鼓励和培育的学习环境,帮助您达到职业生涯的下一步. 


TESOL证书课程包括16个学分,分为6门课程. 夏季学期有三门强化课程和临床实习, two courses in the fall and one in the spring. 有指导的实习是根据你的时间表在秋季和春季的课程中安排的.

The courses are as follows:

  • CAS实习(跟随ENL导师进行20天学生教学)(1学分)
  • Curriculum and Methods of Teaching ESOL (3 credits)
  • English Grammar for the ENL Teacher (3 credits)
  • English Linguistics (3 credits)
  • Instruction & Assessment (3 credits)
  • 英语教学领域教学素养(包括25个实习时数)(3学分)

TESOL Curriculum

教育系的每位教员都有中学教学经验. Students are successful, in part, 因为他们从老师那里得到了广泛的指导和支持,这些老师将先进的教学技巧和丰富的课堂经验带入了这个项目.

MAT ESOL Curriculum

Prerequisites (No Credits):

  • ED500:实地经验-在中学进行为期四天的有组织的观察. Can be organized by the CRC Department of Education coordinator Nicki Foley; please call 518-631-9870.
  • 学士学位和12学分(或证明流利)在英语以外的语言.
  • An undergraduate liberal arts core, including courses in humanities/the arts, writing/communication, social sciences and STEM.
  • 教育心理学-本科课程或esball国际平台客户端的CRC教育部门考试.

Courses (39 Credits):

  • TE501 Teaching Practicum (2 credits)
  • ED502 NY State Teacher Requirements (1 credit)
  • TE513 Curriculum and Methods of Teaching ESOL (3 credits)
  • TE517 TESOL教学方法(包括20学时的现场实践)(3学分)
  • TESOL读写能力(包括20小时的现场经验)(3学分)
  • ED550 Effective Teaching for All Learners (3 credits)
  • ED560 The Modern Teacher (3 credits)
  • TE530 English Grammar for the ENL Teacher (3 credits)
  • TE531 English Linguistics (3 credits)
  • TE540 Foundations of Teaching ESOL (3 credits)
  • TE551* TESOL Teaching Residency: Elementary (5 credits)
  • TE552* TESOL Teaching Residency: Secondary (5 credits)
  • TE580 MAT Project in TESOL (3 credits)

*TE 553和TE 554是纽约教师获得MAT-ESOL的暑期实习选择.

The Clarkson Teaching Residency

MAT ESOL graduate candidates complete a half-day, year-long residency, taking full responsibility for at least two classes. One semester of the residency will be in grades K-6, and the other in grades 7-12, providing a well-rounded experience. 学生将在他们期望完成实习的地点接受面试. 进入该计划的教学驻留部分取决于完成TE513和TE540,最低成绩为B, as well as permission from the chair.

Certificate of Advanced Study in TESOL Curriculum

Prerequisites (No Credits):

  • Current New York State initial certification in another discipline.
  • 学士学位和12学分(或证明流利)在英语以外的语言.

Courses (16 Credits):

  • TE501 TESOL CAS实习(包括35-50小时的现场经验)(1学分)
  • TE513 Curriculum and Methods of Teaching ESOL (3 credits)
  • TE517 TESOL教学方法(含60学时或10天实习)(3学分)
  • TE530 English Grammar for the ENL Teacher (3 credits)
  • TE531 TESOL English Linguistics (3 credits)
  • TESOL读写(包括60小时或10天的实习)(3学分)


  • 在另一个学科的当前纽约州的专业认证.
  • 学士和硕士学位,12学分(或证明流利)英语以外的语言.

获得各种助学金和奖学金来支付学费, including program-specific opportunities. 我们的TESOL课程也得到了纽约州教育部临床丰富强化教师学院的资助. 提前和准时的申请者将优先获得奖学金机会. 迟到的申请人将根据可用性考虑录取和奖学金.

Financial Aid

A completed application file consists of the following:

  • Online Application Form.
  • Résumé.
  • Statement of purpose.
  • Two letters of recommendation.
  • Official transcripts.
  • 对于国际申请者,需要英语水平测试:
    • Minimum test score requirements: TOEFL (80) and TOEFL Essentials (8.5), IELTS (6.5), PTE (56) or Duolingo English Test (115).
  • 目前在另一个学科的NYS专业认证证明.
  • In-person or virtual interview.
Desired start term of:Complete Applications by:
Fall SemesterJuly 1
Spring SemesterNovember 1
Summer Terms (TESOL - SU I / Secondary ED - SU II)April 1


Career Possibilities

TESOL证书课程帮助您了解教授多语种学生的最新最佳实践. It allows you to:

  • Earn NYS certification for ESOL.
  • Enjoy more employment flexibility and security.
  • 教授独立的ENL课程和集成的内容领域课程.
  • 更成功地为语言和文化不同的学生规划教学和评估.
  • Change new directions as an educator.

Recent Employers

In recent years, esball国际平台客户端TESOL课程的毕业生已经开始工作或丰富了他们的角色:

  • Ballston Spa Central School District
  • Barry University
  • Brewster Central School District
  • Canajoharie Central School
  • Capital Region BOCES
  • City School District of Albany
  • East Greenbush Central Schools
  • Gloversville City School District
  • Guilderland Central School District
  • Harrison Central School District
  • Ichabod Crane Central School District
  • New York City Public Schools
  • Niskayuna Central School District
  • North Colonie Central School District
  • Schenectady City School District
  • Shenendehowa Central School District
  • South Colonie Central School District
  • Questar III BOCES
  • Troy City School District
  • Utica City School District

Contact Us

Graduate Admissions Team 
Email: graduate@colombiaparquesinfantiles.com
Phone: 518-631-9831

有兴趣了解更多esball国际平台客户端TESOLesball国际app证书的信息? Contact the Office of Graduate Admissions today with your questions.

Achieve Your Purpose Here

esball国际平台客户端的TESOL高级学习证书帮助您通过新的技能和广泛的实地考察来提升您的职业生涯. Find out what the program can do for you.